Economic Development

For Cost of living
*According to RamseySoultions, 2/6/24

For workforce development
*In South Central Region, according to Site Selection Magazine, January 2024

for best state to start a new business
*According to Forbes Advisor, 1/2/24

for cost of doing business
*According to CNBC’s “America’s Top States of Doing Business” 2023 Study
FSRA aims to be a “one-stop-shop” information source for industries considering locating in the Eastern Oklahoma/Western Arkansas Area. The Alliance provides an informative snapshot of what member communities have to offer and highlights the geographic and economic benefits of doing business in the area.
FSRA Executive Board members and community representatives are eager to assist businesses or investors looking to potentially locate to the region. Leaders can help connect companies to government officials, legislators, or other key stakeholders. The Alliance can also facilitate meetings or tours.
Please contact FSRA today if you would like to meet with us or learn more about our region!